(and why it is important to print your photos!)
In today’s digital era, the allure of instant photography is undeniable. The cycle of snapping, sharing, and swiping seems endless. Yet, amidst this digital whirlwind, the charm of printed photographs holds its ground.
For me, it’s not a photograph until it is printed!
I’ve found two fantastic services offering free photo prints, which I’ll share shortly. But first, let’s delve into why printing your photos is a worthy endeavour, especially if you’re a budding photographer.
Here are six compelling reasons:
Tangible Memories
In a world where smartphones and digital cameras are everyone’s companions, we churn out millions of photographs daily. Yet, only a smattering finds its way to print. Printing photos bestows upon them a tangible reality. The texture of a printed photo in your hands can make memories feel more vivid and enduring.
Enhanced Aesthetics
The vibrancy, depth, and nuances of printed photographs are unparalleled. The transition from screen to print often enhances these attributes, lending a unique artistic flair to your work.

A Learning Curve
For novices in photography, printing acts as a great mentor. A printed photo can unveil unnoticed details or imperfections, providing a fresh perspective and aiding in honing your skills.
Legacy and Preservation
The adage goes, it’s not “if” a hard drive will fail, but “when”.
Unlike digital files prone to corruption, a well-maintained printed photograph can transcend generations, preserving memories and possibly forming a cherished legacy.
Personal Touch
Gifting a printed photo or adorning your space with one lends a personal touch. It’s a heartfelt way to share your craft with loved ones or even fellow photography enthusiasts.

A Source of Pride
Witnessing your work printed, framed, and showcased evokes a unique sense of accomplishment and self-appreciation, especially motivating for budding photographers.
Free Photo Prints
I have found two online platforms are offering complimentary photo prints, with only postage charges applicable.
Visit Snapfish
Avail up to 50 free 6”x4” standard size prints monthly for a minimum of a year upon downloading the Snapfish app. Upload photos directly from your phone or social media accounts. For digital camera photos, upload them to your Snapfish account via a computer, then order through the app. Postage is priced at £3.79 for every 50 prints ordered.
Visit Photobox
Score up to 50 free 6”x4” standard size prints every month using the Photobox app. Just apply the code 50FREE6X4 at checkout. The postage fee is £3.49. The app facilitates easy uploading from your phone and various social media or cloud storage platforms.
Print your Photos!
Printing your photos is a great way to enjoy your work, learn more about photography and share it with others. It’s also a great way to create a lasting legacy of your photography.
So don’t wait any longer, start printing your photos today!